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Comme dans Plus Belle la Vie  et autres séries, les prostitués mâles sont dans les jeux video

ainsi Jimmy, homosexuel, qui ne peut avoir de rapports qu'avec des hommes


race   Human, African American
sex   Male
affiliation   Westside
role   Prostitute
location   Westside, Casa Madrid Apartments
appearances   Fallout: New Vegas
quests   A Bit of Slap and Tickle
karma   Neutral
base SPECIAL   6 ST, 4 PE, 5 EN, 7 CH, 4 IN, 5 AG, 3 LK
derived stats   Hit Points: 95
level   6
voice actor   Jesse Burch
base id   000f624f
ref id   000f6254

Sorry, ma'am, but ain't enough caps in all of New Vegas to make me do that. Nuh-uh.

— Jimmy to a female Courier

Jimmy is a homosexual male prostitute for hire living in Westside.




Jimmy is one of the three prostitutes managed by Pretty Sarah within the Casa Madrid Apartments in Westside.

Speaking with Marco outside the apartments after talking to Jimmy will allow you to inquire about Jimmy's past, where it is revealed that he used to be a slave for Caesar's Legion. When the player returns to Jimmy to talk to him about his past, he will open up and state that the Legion raided his village and that he was specially chosen by a centurion as a "helper." The centurion had tried to protect Jimmy as the Legion became suspicious of their relationship - with Caesar punishing homosexuality with death - but eventually decided to get rid of him. Jimmy realized what was happening, and after the centurion had taken him into the desert, Jimmy caught him off-guard with a kick to groin and ran for it, eventually ending up in Westside.

Interactions with the player characterEdit

Interactions overviewEdit

General Services Quests
Essential: noIcon cross
Companion: noIcon cross
Plays Caravan: noIcon cross
Merchant: noIcon cross
Repairman: noIcon cross
Doctor: noIcon cross
Rents bed/room: noIcon cross
Starts quests: noIcon cross
Involved in quests: yesIcon check



Apparel Weapon Other items
Merc charmer outfit Combat knife Stimpaks


  • If you ask Jimmy about his Legion background he will only tell you his story if you play a female character. Otherwise he just says that it doesn't matter who he was.
  • When you speak to him for the first time and you have the Confirmed Bachelor perk, he can then tell you something about a discount on his services, but in fact, it does nothing and you won't ever get this discount.
  • When Jimmy is talking about exactly why the Legion discourages homosexuality, his voice changes halfway through.

Notable quotesEdit

  • "Sorry, ma'am, but ain't enough caps in all of New Vegas to make me do that. Nuh-uh." – Jimmy to a female Courier
  • "I'm just a fantasy come to life. But you already knew that."
  • "What Marco said is true. The Legion attacked my village when I was 16. My parents were killed as examples. The rest of us, chained and dragged to some kind of camp. A Centurion there chose me as his tent servant. He was handsome, and gentle, most of the time. Said it was our secret, and he'd protect me. Gave me little gifts, stupid things. But Caesar punishes homosexuality with death, and we nearly got caught, and there were suspicions. So when he took me out into the desert... Well, I knew he was going to get rid of me. So I kicked him where it counts and I ran. And then swam. And ran some more. Wound up here."


Jimmy only appears in Fallout: New Vegas.

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