

reblogboybutts: A true encyclopedia of tender boys’ butts. As one of my followers kindly commented: “an incredible eye for the hottest asses and the most ever on one Tumblr”.


reblogboybutts: A true encyclopedia of tender boys’ butts. As one of my followers kindly commented: “an incredible eye for the hottest asses and the most ever on one Tumblr”.


  I don’t know if Ace just likes to tease me, or if he genuinely misses my presence and touch when we’re apart. Because although we both love sex, there will be times when we take a day or two off from messing around—maybe because we’re busy, one of us is worn out, or we just feel like cuddling and catching up on episodes of Castle. But if I go away, even for a few days, he starts acting like the sex-starved frat boy he once was. Even if we spent some time swapping head before I left to catch the train, I’ll soon get a text from him saying I should postpone the business trip and come back for the second round. And before I’m even halfway to New York, I’ll receive a video of him humping the bed and looking at the camera with a glazed, wanting stare. That night, when I’m at the bar with friends, I’ll open a text and he’ll be naked in our bathroom and sporting a hard-on. But I can play this game too. Which is exactly why I never respond to any of these texts, videos, or midnight voicemail messages of him moaning my name. Sure, he knows I open them. But I don’t want him to think he can get a rise out of me that easily. We never talk about this game once my trip ends. But no matter what time I arrive home, he’s there waiting for me. And with hardly a word, we go for each other like we’ve been apart for weeks. I sometimes worry that I fuck him a little too hard during these sessions. But then I remember that he’s been asking for it all along.




Mar 1 avr 2014 Aucun commentaire